The Adventures and Misadventures of a Neer Do Well Artist Living in Baltimore.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I am a visual artist and writer living in Baltimore. I don't have any artist friends. Frankly, artists scare me, there so darn flaky. The above picture is either of me or proof that I'm a pretty decent artist. My goal is to be a self sufficient artist, whereas I wouldn't have to do something else in the day in order to eke out an existence. I also like to attend various cultural events around town. I go to plays, the symphony, etc. Also, I have Asperger's Syndrome. I found this out recently and it has explained a heck of a lot as to why I am as I am.

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today, I continued on viewing my brand new Doctor Who Box Set. Below is a quick review of what I felt about the episodes I saw.

Fathers Day
Bar none this was the most touching episode of Doctor Who that I ever saw in its 26 year history. I am not ashamed to say that I cried a lot while watching this episode..

The story was basically about Rose going back in time to meet her father on the day that he died. As you might well expect instead of letting him die at the last moment she saves his life and this being Doctor Who, bad things begin to happen. The only way for things to be set right is for her to loose her father yet again. Very heart wrenchingly, sad episode.

The Empty Child
The episode takes place during Wold War II London. Theres this creepy child lurking about wearing a gas mask and asking, Are You My Mommy? He turns anyone he touches into an Empty Child, that is a gas mask creature that asks the once innocent now creepy sounding question. This episode for me had a high creepiness factor. Never have the words, Are You My Mommy? struck such fear as they did in this episode. This episode is also noteworthy because it introduces the charming, loveable, handsome, Captain Jack Harkness.

I still can not get over the fact that some people feel that Captain Jack's American accent is fake! John Barrowman, the actor that plays Captain Jack grew up in Chicago! I just find the whole thing hilarious that some people feel that an American is doing a horrible American accent. I think this may be because its a British television series. Thus all the Yanks are assumed fake. Anyway, I love Captain Jack! I hope that Torchwood will be brilliant! Torchwood is the series that Captain Jack will be spinning off into next year.

Doctor Dances
This is a the second of a two parter that started off with the Empty Child. The Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack are still in World War II London. This time they are trying to find out the source of the Empty Child. This episode includes a fantastic bit of CGI, the elderly doctor who is the caretaker of the hospital turning into an Empty Child creature. In the end the Empty Child creature is turned back into a normal little boy and his victims are all back to normal and cured of any prior illnesses or amputations. So you see despite the cheesy title it was a very good episode and at the end the doctor really does dance and gasp, everyone lives!!


As you can see I pretty much spent the weekend lazying about watching telly....Ahem....Television!


link | posted by gail at 9:38 AM |


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