The Adventures and Misadventures of a Neer Do Well Artist Living in Baltimore.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I am a visual artist and writer living in Baltimore. I don't have any artist friends. Frankly, artists scare me, there so darn flaky. The above picture is either of me or proof that I'm a pretty decent artist. My goal is to be a self sufficient artist, whereas I wouldn't have to do something else in the day in order to eke out an existence. I also like to attend various cultural events around town. I go to plays, the symphony, etc. Also, I have Asperger's Syndrome. I found this out recently and it has explained a heck of a lot as to why I am as I am.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

This morning my security alarm went off as I was trying to set it. This will be the longest that I’ve been away from the building while the alarm is armed. I felt extremely nervous as I left the building.

As I crossed the street I noticed that the third floor lights were on. I immediately became frightened that I had set up the alarm improperly and it was blaring unmercifully throughout the building. Then again for all I know they regularly have there lights on at that hour. I became torn as to what to do. My bus arrived I got on it.

I again felt a pang of fear. I had to know for sure if the alarm had been triggered. I rode the bus for two blocks then got off and went back to my apartment. When I got back I noticed that the lights were off and that all their cars were still parked out front. So that would indicate that none of the neighbors left out for work. There was one thing left for me to do. I nervously opened the door to the apartment building and heard blissful silence. Apparently, I became terrified over nothing. In the end I was 8 minutes late for work. I believe this is the first time that I’ve been late in ages.

All in all I feel good about returning. It rested my nerves at work. Also after I got home I set up my security camera. I have it set up where it will email me whenever it detects motion in my apartment. If all goes well then all I will have would be a series of pictures of me entering and exiting my apartment.

Hopefully in the end I will have a more peaceful mindset knowing that my apartment is secure. Next I suppose I should focus on personal safety. You know buy pepper spray and maybe learn some martial arts.

Today, I have on an olive green short sleeve blouse and a very coloful shear skirt. I have on three pairs of under slips because I’m that nervous about the skirt. It’s a very pretty pattern but the material is very shear . It was made in India. You’d think that they would be make things more modest.

link | posted by gail at 9:51 PM |


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