The Adventures and Misadventures of a Neer Do Well Artist Living in Baltimore.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I am a visual artist and writer living in Baltimore. I don't have any artist friends. Frankly, artists scare me, there so darn flaky. The above picture is either of me or proof that I'm a pretty decent artist. My goal is to be a self sufficient artist, whereas I wouldn't have to do something else in the day in order to eke out an existence. I also like to attend various cultural events around town. I go to plays, the symphony, etc. Also, I have Asperger's Syndrome. I found this out recently and it has explained a heck of a lot as to why I am as I am.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

WoW!! I can not believe it!!

I just opened my mail a few seconds ago and it appears that I have been chosen as a candidate for the 2007 (26th) Edition of Marquis Who’s Who of American Women! This is incredible! The last Who’s Who book I made it in was sometime in the early 90’s for Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges.

I am absolutely floored to have this honor happen again twice in my life time!! I wonder how they got my name? I am not that famous of an artist / writer / blogger / aspie.

The last time they got my name I am sure was because of my GPA in college. On my college transcript is a permanent notation of Meritorious Scholar. I received that because I had a GPA of over three point something. I think it might have been 3.5 This time who knows why I was selected?

Anyway, I have ten days to submit my bio to the folks over at Marquis. I hope that after I send it in that the editors of the book deem it worthy enough to make the 2007 edition of their book.

I know, I know, I am such a geek to want to be included in a Who’s Who Book!!! But you know what? I am a geek.

link | posted by gail at 6:27 PM |


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