The Adventures and Misadventures of a Neer Do Well Artist Living in Baltimore.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I am a visual artist and writer living in Baltimore. I don't have any artist friends. Frankly, artists scare me, there so darn flaky. The above picture is either of me or proof that I'm a pretty decent artist. My goal is to be a self sufficient artist, whereas I wouldn't have to do something else in the day in order to eke out an existence. I also like to attend various cultural events around town. I go to plays, the symphony, etc. Also, I have Asperger's Syndrome. I found this out recently and it has explained a heck of a lot as to why I am as I am.

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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The bus, light rail, and shuttle bus were all on time this morning. The only different thing that happened was that the harbringer of lateness took the shuttle bus at the State Center/Cultural Center Stop. The harbringer of lateness is this guy that works in the mail room. He bares a strong resemblence to 60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney. I sometimes see him on the light rail when I’m running late. Hence, my nickname of him as the harbringer of lateness. I believe he’s due in to work later than me. He usually takes the light rail up to North Avenue and takes the shuttle bus there.

I was again 30 minutes early today. Despite this I admit I have a problem leaving from work on time. I tend to leave 15-20 minutes after the fact. I think I do this because I’m not in too much of a rush to get home. The majority of people I work with have families to come home to.

I threw up again yesterday! I’m starting to think that maybe it’s a stomach virus or stress related. I had no problem keeping down breakfast and lunch it was just when I get home that I couldn’t keep anything down. I don’t feel sick or anything. God/Godess knows I take more than enough of vitamin C. I average about 3-4,000 mg’s a day. I don’t nearly take nearly as much as Linus Pauling did. He injected about 12,000 mg’s of it a day and lived to be well into his 90’s. I tried to take a lot of vitamin C once but it ended up giving me diarrhea. I think my problems with keeping food down is either related to stress or a stomach virus. I suppose it will clear up on it’s own.

The streak has ended. Today, co-worker Arnold, noted for the wearing of short sleeved button down cotton shirts has finally stopped his 4 week streak of wearing long sleeved button down cotton shirts to work. It all started 4 weeks ago with a long sleeve blue shirt, then a red, a beige, and then another blue shirt. Seeing him in long sleeved shirts was almost like seeing a mid season miracle appear before my eyes. I wonder what happened to make him start wearing long sleeves shirts and then stop cold turkey? I suppose the world will never know.....

Also in work news it appears that Richard will keep his job and salary as Senior Tech. However, Mellissa moves into the newly created Lead Tech position and gets a pay raise as well as new job responsibilities. These new responsibilities involve being the official stand in for Supervisor Brian when he’s unable to fulfill his supervisory duties.

To put you back to speed a while ago at work we had two senior techs positions. They were both told that they were going to eliminate their position and make one of them a Lead Tech. The other one would be welcome to stay on as a regular tech with a decrease in salary. I was wondering who would get the position. Richard is black and has worked at the company for a very long time. Mellissa is white and female and has also been at the company for quiet a while as well. The only drawbacks I saw for Richard is that he’s dangerously close to retirement age. The drawbacks for Mellissa is that she’s a single mother and may have childcare issue which might pull her away from work. Overall, I saw them both as being cherished minorities. Who do you choose?

So the company decided that Richard keeps his job and his salary and Mellissa moves up on the food chain. No one had to move down a peg. Brilliant solution!!!

Today, I have on this purple turtleneck blue jeans and blue suede shoes. I decided not to put on the brown leather lace ups because they’re kind of scruffed up from the fall yesterday.

link | posted by gail at 7:18 PM |


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