The Adventures and Misadventures of a Neer Do Well Artist Living in Baltimore.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I am a visual artist and writer living in Baltimore. I don't have any artist friends. Frankly, artists scare me, there so darn flaky. The above picture is either of me or proof that I'm a pretty decent artist. My goal is to be a self sufficient artist, whereas I wouldn't have to do something else in the day in order to eke out an existence. I also like to attend various cultural events around town. I go to plays, the symphony, etc. Also, I have Asperger's Syndrome. I found this out recently and it has explained a heck of a lot as to why I am as I am.

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Sunday, February 29, 2004

Thursday, February, 26, 2004

Yikes!! I just heard that Howard Stern has been pulled from all the Clear Channel Stations he’s on. However, he’s still safe in Baltimore on Infinity Broadcast owned Live 105.7 I doubt that Mel will pull the plug on his golden goose. Then again it’s hard to say in the climate that were in.

On a side note, I feel horrible for admitting this but, I find myself getting aroused whenever I look at how much money Mel makes, his bonus’ stock options and all. Is that wrong so? I guess I’m a closeted gold digger. I’m against marriage for myself only if he’s close to having more money than God.

Anyway, this whole Stern suspension episode is ironic in a way because Clear Channel is responsible for that laughing hyena on DC 101, Elliot in the Morning. On the hyena’s show you can regularly hear cuss words being slipped out on air. So I suppose that Clear Channel feels that sexual/racial innuendo is more damaging to hear than actual foul language. Verrrry Interesting.

These are scary times in which we live. First Bush wanting to ban gay marriages, then the Christ movie, and now Stern being pulled off the radio in 6 states. All I want to know is how long before the Taliban shows up?

link | posted by gail at 7:07 PM |


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