GJ Willis' Art Notes

Tuesday, March 06, 2001

It's very late and I'm about to turn in to bed. The one thought that permeates my brain is why do we belive what the waethermen tell us? It's impossible to predict what Mother Nature is going to do, and yet we believe them time after time and get duped each time. Yep, I'm still a little miffed about the weathermen's predictions of the STORM OF THE CENTURY that never materialized. My boyfriend says that I have a tendency to over react whenever I hear bad weather might occur. I can't help it!! They (the media) hyped this snow up so much that you would have thought that the end of the world was near. If I want an accurate weather forecast next time I'll just look outside my window!!!

Sunday, March 04, 2001

I hope I did not come off as some sort of a goody-goody about the Jehova's Witnesses. Basically, I am against people proselytizing there religion to me. Even though I am against that I do not want to create any bad Karma by being mean to them or anyone else. Whenever I see them I say, "Hi." to them if they have said, "Hi" to me. I usually then ask to select a tract. No one so far has objected to showing me the covers of there tracts and then letting me select the one I want. After I select one I walk away very very fast. I'm an artist and I find that the covers of there tracts are often times nicely illustrated with various people and animals in different poses. The Jehova's Witnesses have unwittingly supplied me with free reference material for my artwork.

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