GJ Willis' Art Notes

Sunday, March 23, 2003

March 20, 2003

Today I had a scheduled day off. I scheduled it so that I can celebrate Imbolc, or the 1st day of Spring. According to two calenders I have the first day of spring is on the 20th. I later find out on witchvox, the web site of note for anything Wiccan that the first day of spring is on the 21st non on the 20th. Drats! I took the wrong day off!

Today was also of note because it was the start of Bush’s war on Iraq. I also did something extremely foolish today.

I didn't watch much television today, then again I rarely watch TV. I’m mainly a radio, computer, and book geek. I only learned of the start of the war by tuning into NPR as I headed out to Security Mall to get my youngest niece, Alexis her belated birthday present. This year Alexis turned 21 and I got her a $100 gift card to her favorite store. I hope she likes it. I was supposed to give it to her last month. Unfortunately her birthday fell around the time of February’s big snowstorm.

As far as the war goes I’m for the troops getting home safely. I’ll just leave it at that. I’m not a hawk on this war or any other war. War only brings death and destruction. I just pray that our men get home safe.

The foolish thing I did was that I did a Goggle search on Thomas D.’s name. I did this mainly because I was wondering what he was up to who knows maybe he’s the deputy mayor of some city or some big shot somewhere. It was easy to track him down because he has an unusual last name. Also, I did recall that his middle name was Paul. I remembered this because around our house growing up, T.P. was short for toilet paper so that’s how I remembered his middle name. I’m not sure if it is illegal or not to look up someone’s name and send them an email. It wasn't SPAM just a letter saying I forgot to say Hi to him at Rite Aid. Anyway, I don’t expect a reply. He doesn't know me. I will not send another email to his address again because I don’t really know him, I just know of him. For all I know he could be a white supremist or insane and my letter could have been the one thing that pushed him over the edge. So I guess for the next couple of weeks I’ll feel very nervous and look over my shoulders. I guess I’ll be jumping at the sound of anything that sounds remotely like gunshots. That ladies and gentlemen was the stupidest thing I ever did. I will never ever send an email to someone I attended high school with unless we meet face to face and they hand it to me.

Just before bedtime I did a simple candle light Imbolc ritual that I got out of Scott Cunningham’s book. I went to bed safe and slept soundly after the ritual. I prayed for our troops as well as the innocent civilian population of Iraq. May one day we all find peace. (P.S. Since today was the start of a war I could not think of an appropriate song to start my entries off with)

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