GJ Willis' Art Notes

Monday, February 23, 2004

Last night I only got about 3-4 hours of sleep. I was 5 minutes late for work and everything. I barely remember what I did at work today. So forgive me if this sounds groggy. The reason for my sleepless night was due to the fact that I under estimated the amount of time it would take me to work with my hair. If you haven't figured it out by now I’m Black. Every 2-3 weeks I re-twist my hair. Basically, my hair is locked but I like to wear it in twists. Maybe one day I’ll wear it out in it’s natural dread locked state. Anyway, I thought it would take me just an hour to twist my hair but it took well over that amount of time. I guess my hair must be in it’s growing stage. Anyway....

What was I going to write about? Ah, yes....Ralph Nader’s run for the Presidency. First off I voted for Nader in the last Presidential election. Why did I do this you ask? I wanted Nader to be able to get funding for the Green Party. Mainly, I didn't like how he was treated during the campaign. They would not let him participate in debates. Also I didn't like Gore’s attitude of running away from and avoiding being linked with one of the most successful men who has ever held office in the late 20th Century, Bill Clinton. Yes, Clinton cheated on Hillary with a pudgy intern. This action I feel did not warrant him being treated as thought he were the bogeyman? If Gore had embraced his legacy in the Clinton White house more often during his campaign I would have felt comfortable voting for him. He seemed by his actions to be agreeing with those Republicans who go on and on about how Clinton ruined America. Thus it gave me the feeling that Nader was correct when he said that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party were one in the same.

I happen to live in a solidly Democratic state. Maryland, is the land of the yellow dog Democrats. We’d rather vote for a yellow dog for President than a Republican. Ours was among the few states that wasn’t a part of the Reagan Revolution. We solidly voted against his Presidency not once but twice. So I knew going into the voting booth that Maryland was unequivocally for Gore no matter who I voted for. Therefore my vote for Nader was not in anyway a vote for that evil retarded chimp, Bush. Gore would win Maryland no matter who I voted for. Guess what ladies and gentlemen Gore won Maryland. Gore won the Presidency. Bush stole the Presidency with aide of the Republican packed Supreme Court and his brother the Governor of the People’s Banana Republic of Florida.

Second off I will not be voting for Nader during this political campaign. I won’t be doing it because I feel that the stakes are too high. I don’t won’t that idiotic chimp to stay in office any longer. He has done nothing but help his corporations oil cronies get richer and give tax breaks to the already rich. He has ensconce us in an unjust war that was started solely so that he could look good in Papa Bush’s eyes.

One word, Vietnam. I feel it highly ironic that Bush who went AWOL during his National Guard stateside service is continually pushing our servicemen and women into a war that is being fought over nothing. I have yet to see any proof of weapons of mass destruction and feel that I never will. This was a war started solely for vanities sake.

I don’t know which Democratic candidate I’ll be voting for. I suppose I’ll be voting for John Kerry. I was previously for Howard Dean until the infamous howling incident. I already hear that there are rumors around that Kerry hasn’t been fateful to his wife. Call me whatever you want but If I hear that a guy who’s running for President has been unfateful to his wife I see it as a marker that he’ll make a good President. Besides Kerry actually served in the Vietnam War so there’s no way that you could say that he has less character than Bush. He served his country while Bush ran away from it like a little punk ass bitch.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

It looks like the stuff I have up on eBay isn't going to sell. I feel that the main reason for this is the photos I used. The digital camera I have is cheap and unsophisticated...not that there’s anything wrong with that. The pictures I have up contain too much of the surroundings they were photographed in. The next thing I will have to do is figure out how to do close up pictures of my artwork that do not include the background. Previously, I used to just put my paintings on the scanner. I couldn't do that with my recent batch of paintings because they are larger than the scanner and it would take a long time scanning them in, section by section, then later fitting them together in photoshop like a jigsaw puzzle. The reason I bought this digital camera was to eliminate that headache. The only other solution I see is to buy a brand new digital camera that has zoom capabilities. Therefore, my latest mission is to find an affordable digital camera that has zoom capabilities.

Also on my want list is an Alphasmart 3000. I first saw it advertised in an issue of Writer’s Digest and have been salivating after it ever since. With the Alphasmart I could do my writing on the train, in the cafeteria, at the mall, whenever I felt like it. I often times have ideas for stories or blog entries on the train but feel hesitant to take out my pen and paper to write it down then come home and transfer it to my computer. My hesitation is mainly based on the amount of the manual labor that would be involved. Writing by long hand and then later transcribing by manually typing each word into the computer takes a lot of precious time.

With the Alphasmart 3000 I could just type away then download it to my computer, no transcribing required! All in all I’d rather have this than a bulky energy wasting notebook computer.

From what I read the Alphasmart runs on ordinary AA batteries that you can buy anywhere. It is designed to be energy efficient. The AA batteries you bought from Walmart or Rite Aid last up to 30 hours in the Alphasmart! Also, it’s nearly indestructible. It was originally designed for learning disabled students but a number of writers have adopted it as an affordable, portable writing tool. Since I have a horrible tendency to drop things this is definitely a selling point for me. I have to say that I’d rather have the Alphasmart 3000 than it’s latest update the Alphasmart Dana.

The updated and very expensive version has palm pilot capabilities, and lasts up to 700 hours on the AA batteries. I know that if I got the Dana very little writing would be accomplished. I’d be checking e-mail and playing games instead of working on my writing.

So my second mission is to save up to buy an Alphasmart 3000. Oh, before I forget Alphasmart has a loaner program where they will send you an Alphasmart for free to try out for 2 weeks. I’m thinking about doing this but would rather wait until I have my money saved up before I tried it out because I know in the end, I'M GONNA BUY IT!!!!

I’m happy today because I looked up my Netflix queue and noticed that I have one more Ioan Gruffudd movie left!!!! Then alas it’s all over until his tv series starts up next month. In case you’re curious the last Ioan movie I have in my queue is Poldark. I hear that the movie isn’t all that great. However, I hear that Ioan is splendid as usual. Hopefully, this movie will be arriving sometime next week.

Friday, February 20, 2004

The above picture is of the completed rainbow Afghan I was working on last year around this time. I remember starting it on a Sunday evening as I was watching Matthew Broderick in the Music Man.

It appears that Mel Karmazin the head of Infinity Broadcasting has issued out a new set of regulations for his on air staff. In case you don’t know New York based Infinity Radio is a major player in Baltimore radio as well as the country. In Baltimore they own WHFS, WLIF, WQSR, WMMX, WXYV, and two AM gospel stations, WBGR and WBMD . They also are the company responsible for bringing to the airwaves the Howard Stern Show. Basically, Infinity radio is owned by Viacom which owns CBS. CBS is still feeling the heat from the Janet Jackson, er, wardrobe malfunction.... So Mel has issued out a zero tolerance warning to his employees that if they say anything “arguably indecent” on air that could in anyway be construed as being offensive then they the disc jockey as well as the general manager and the program director would be fired no questions asked. Yikes!! I’d hate to work there. I bet everyone is running around there like nervous nellies.

I can’t wait for Monday to come to see what Howard Stern will say about the new regulations Mel has issued. Stern has been on vacation all this week. I wonder if we will be hearing a G-rated Howard Stern Show from now on?

Don and Mike from the Don and Mike Show are wigged out about the new regulations because they recently got back from a 2 week suspension without pay because the word “bull shit” accidentally got out on air. I know I’m not a part of the radio radio industry and do not for sure who handles the delay button but from my vantage point as a listener I feel this was unfair. I would find it hard to believe that on-air talent alone were responsible for the delay button. I imagine that would be a job you would give to your production team. Why wasn’t that person doing there job and why did Don and Mike take the fall?

So today Don and Mike were playing music instead of doing there usual on air schtick. They said they weren't going to say anything on air until they’ve met with the station lawyers on Monday to have it spelled in black and out what they can and can’t say on air according to Mel’s newest regulations. Let’s face it they are scared shitless since being suspended without pay for something that wasn’t all there fault. Also they know that Infinity is chomping at the bit to find dj’s to make an example of. Despite there being little talk on today, I really must say that Don Geronimo played a brilliant mix of pop tunes. This guy should be a program director!!! Oh, I forgot he used to be one!!! I guess I’ll have to wait until Monday to find out if the era of shock jock radio is dead forever more.

On the art front. I hope to have a painting ready to display for Maryland Art Place’s Annual Out of Order Benefit Auction. The auction will be held this year on Saturday April 24, 2004, 8pm till 1am. Here’s pictures of last years Out of Order 2003. If I decide to go after installing my work I think I’ll stay about a half an hour before I leave. I’ll definitely be doing something for the show. The question is how comfortable would I be staying for the auction.

I still haven’t decided if I'm going to have my portfolio reviewed for the upcoming Illustrators Conference in New York. Heck, I haven't even sent in my money yet. I suppose I’ll either send it in on my next paycheck or the one after that. Right now I have plenty of time as the conference isn’t until Monday, April 26, 2004 and the money is due by April 12, 2004.

Looks like I’ll be having a very busy April! :)

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