GJ Willis' Art Notes

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Right now the east coast of North America is going through a record breaking cold front. I have a miserable cold which I know is the result of being outside in the cold waiting for the bus and light rail which all have been suspiciously late this week. I’ve come to the conclusion that I hate people who wear short sleeve shirts when it’s freezing cold outside. What the hell is wrong with them? Do they have ice water running in their veins? So they have cars do they have to flaunt it with their blatant disregard to the temperature. I hate all you winter short sleeve wearing people! It’s winter, wear long sleeve shirts and sweaters like normal decent human beings! Yes, I have a cold and I’m feeling testy!! I also suspect I won’t be in for work on Monday.

On another note I now have all the Paul McGann Big Finish Dr. Who audios including Zagreus and Scherzo. Listening to Zagreus I feel like I now know what it’s like to be on drugs. I guess I’ll have to give it another listen to. I liked Scherzo for the reasons that other fans hated it. They complained that it was too soap operish and delving into Buffy the Vampire Slayer territory. I for one loved hearing that Charley loves the Doctor and the Doctor loves Charley. Finally, a Doctor Who love story!!!

Yesterday, I was cheering in the bitter afternoon cold with my nose dripping like a faucet while waiting for my train to arrive. I was cheering because I was spot on about who killed Rose on As The World Turns. It was revealed that Will killed the much beloved and equally despised Rose. Will is the teenage brother of Paul. Paul was going to marry Rose then move to Paris. Looks like he can’t do that anymore since his kid brother bumped her off. I knew there was something a little weird about that kid. He seemed overly attached to his big brother and just a tad bit overly jealous of Rose. In case your wondering how I found out. I happen to have a walkman radio that can get tv stations as well as regular radio stations.

Since my favorite soap opera message board, MediaDomain appears to be permanently in update mode I’ve been lurking and posting on Soap City. This is great because I’ve noticed that other former posters of MediaDomain have migrated over there.

Tuesday, January 6, 2004

My Ioan Gruffudd Film festival is almost over. Ever since I got Netflix all I do is watch Ioan (pronounced Yo-wan) movies. Yes, this could and will quickly devolve into a he’s so fine, he blows my mind piece.

I started watching his movies because the Horatio Hornblower films have been getting raves over at Outpost Gallifrey. I’ve become a fan because he’s a very good actor and he’s not afraid to take off his shirt or expose his very fine ass. He really is a very good actor I swear! It’s not just the thrill of seeing an extremely good looking guy half naked. Anyway, as far as Hornblower is concerned I’ve seen almost all of them except for the ones that ran in December on A&E. I hope to see the Jerry Bruckheimer mega production of King Arthur when it opens in July of 2004. Ioan will be playing Lancelot. One thing I can say is that they definitely cast the right guy for that role. Since my days of Ioan will soon be over soon and my Netflix movie queue empty I asked the fine folks over at Outpost Gallifrey to suggest what I should add to my queue of DVD’s. I have added all their suggestions that were available at Netflix. I can’t wait to see the wild hodgepodge of films they suggested. I’m particularly looking forward to seeing Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.

My birthday was yesterday. Little David called to say Happy Birthday. I had no idea he knew when my birthday was. For my birthday I made my self Creme Brulee. I have never made it before nor have I tasted it before. I’m only interested in it because I saw a movie called Amelie and in the movie she made a Creme Brulee and I always wondered what it tasted like. I suppose it turned out all right.

I am happy as can be because I’m free at last!! Ever since we moved into the new building I did not have card access to our area. The area I work in is considered a secure area therefore you need special card access to enter. I did not have this despite working in the same department for 4-5 years. This happened because just before our big company move my badge became cracked and I had to get another. The badge that I got from HR was defective because their badge making machine was broken in the move. They had to have some guy from the badge making company come in and fix it. It took several weeks before it was fixed. In the meantime I could only enter my department by knocking very loudly on the door or flagging someone down in the hall who had a badge. It was very inconvenient for me and my co-workers. Now since the software for my badge has been downloaded I feel happy as can be. I’m Free at Last! Free At Last! Thank God Almighty, I’m Free At Last!!

Christmas 2003

Christmas was ok. This year I attended the Christmas party for the first time in all my years of employment. This year it was held at some hotel near our old office building. I only went there because it was mandatory this year. Arvada offered to drive me then later Jai offered to drive me. I never knew I was so popular. Anyway, I ended up leaving with Jai. I was surprised to find that she has chimes in her car. This is cool because it's a little known fact that I have wind chimes hanging up around my house. I collect them as well as wind mobiles and whirly gigs.

I have to say right off the bat that I didn't want to go to the Christmas party I would have preferred to have went home early like I do every year. So I sat there glumly at our table doing crossword puzzles praying that it would all be over soon. I’m not a sociable person by nature as I’ve probably said for the millionth time I have Asperger’s Syndrome. The turning point for me was when this fat guy got up and sang that holiday classic New York, New York. At first it was horrible then somehow he turned it around and it was incredible. He was surprisingly good. New York, New York has been stuck in my head throughout the entire Christmas break. Damn him!!!

On a high point I won a $50 gift certificate to Walmart! I’ve never won anything before. I went there expecting nothing and I got something. Also Melissa the girl that looks like former MTV VJ Kennedy won movie passes.

The most oddest thing that happened was that Jim the bosses son offered to drive me to the Christmas party. This was odd because Jim has never said word one to me for as long as I've worked at the company. Did I ever tell you I once had a dream where Jim.... It was nothing risque just a scratch your head the next day and say what the heck was that all about dream. Anyway, I once dreamt he was sitting on my cubicle shelf. No he wasn't miniaturized he was just regular adult sized fully clothed Jim sitting there on my shelf for no particular reason. Come to think of it he does look a little like a Hummel figurine come to life....

So to sum it up ladies and gentlemen I had not two but three people offering to drive little old silent Gail to the Christmas party. Who knows with this type of popularity I just might run for President or maybe even dog catcher!!

Sunday, December 07, 2003

The above picture is of the snow that fell on Friday. The view is from outside my bedroom window.

I took Friday off because I had an extra day since I worked the day after Thanksgiving. Besides, I hate snow...

Since being on Weight Watchers with a vegetarian slant I’ve lost 60 pounds. However, I gained 6 pounds since Thanksgiving. I need to get a new coat. The coat I wear now is three sizes too big for me but no one has said anything to me so I guess it doesn't look as big as I think it does.

I now have a region free DVD player which I bought so that I could view the 1996 Doctor Who movie. The movie is not available in North America so I had to buy it from a dealer in Europe. DVD’s that originate from other countries can not be played in the US unless you have a region free player. The movie wasn't as bad as they make it out to be on the Outpost Gallifrey Message board. Right now I have all the McGann Doctor Who Big Finish audios, save Zagreus. I hope to buy that one sometime this month.

New things I have from eBay is a Paul Pena cd. He was this musical genius who died before his time. He was featured in a documentary called Genghis Blues. The cd has great stuff including the original version of Jet Airliner which was covered by the Steve Miller Band.

I now bring a stack of cd’s to work from my collection. I keep them at my desk for a week then bring in another stack. A few I keep permanently at my desk. The permanent desk drawer collection are ones are; The Sex Pistols-Never Mind the Bullocks, Dean Martin’s Greatest Hits, The Best of Tony Bennett and No Way Out by Puffy. Patsy Cline's Greatest Hits, and 16 Most Requested Hits of Johnny Mathis. I think it’s safe to leave them there. Something tells me the cleaning staff are not into The Sex Pistols or Tony Bennett nor do I feel that my musical tastes are any of my co-workers cup of tea. I like to keep my stack eclectic so that I don’t get genre-itis. I can’t stand to listen to one type of music all day.

Currently, on my desk play list are: Frank Sinatra, the Capital Years, Billie Holiday’s Greatest Hits, The Phil Spector Christmas album, Patsy Cline’s Greatest Hits, The Happy Mondays, US Singles Collection, XTC’s Skylarking, and a cd of classical musical called, 101 Greatest Classics vol. 1. I have all 5 cd’s from the collection.

All in all I think I like listening to singers like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra the best. I don’t know it puts me in a happy swinging mode. Maybe deep down inside I long to be a 50’s gangster moll. Maybe it’s the romance of the Rat Pack and that particular era sans the race riots and blatant racism, segregation, etc....

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