GJ Willis' Art Notes

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Today, I went to laundromat. After I came back I went shoe shopping late in the day instead of earlier like I usually do. I wanted to get sandals to wear for my skirt-a-thon.

The reason why I went shopping late was to see what it was like. It had been a long time since I’ve left out to go shopping past 5pm. The last time I went shopping late was with my mother during the 90’s. I tried doing it on my own but had panic attacks because of the crowds. My brother suggested that I should do what he does, which is shop early in the day to avoid crowds. Ever since he told me this shopping hint I’ve made it a point to shop as early.

Today, more than ever solidifies the fact that it’s best that I shop early. I had panic attacks galore at the mall. It seemed as though all the aisles in the shoe stores were lined with a million women who had crying babies or children running spastically around the store.

The ride home seemed no better. It seemed as though a million rowdy teenagers were gathered on mass waiting for the bus. I felt lucky and privileged to be able to get a seat on the bus crowded with loud teenagers.

In the end I bough three pairs of sandals . One was a black slide, the other a black and tan slide, and a pair of beige flip flops. I mistakenly thought the flip flops were on sale. That’s OK. The only that matters is that I made it out of the mall alive!!

Friday, June 10, 2005

lT’S OFFICIAL: I Love My iPod!
I have no idea how my work productivity has been going since I bought it in to work. As I’ve written before I never go up to the production sheet to see how I’m doing because that usually makes me feel depressed. You know the whole thought of all that you do at work reduced to nothing but a number derived from a numerical formula.

The only thing I know is that I feel great. It plays all my favorite songs all the time! Yep, I’m in a really good mood because I’m hearing music I love. I’m one of those musicphiles, so hearing the right song at the right time is very important to me. One day I’ll list my essential iPod songs as soon as I perfect the list. For now my must hear daily songs are:

Lollipop - The Chordettes
I like this one because it makes me happy. :) I think the first time I ever heard it was while watching Stand by Me. This was an 80’s kid’s movie that was set in the 50’s. Oddly enough, it is the highest grossing movie ever based on a Stephen King story.

Rawhide - Frankie Laine
I always find myself smiling whenever I hear this one. In fact I think I might have frightened the woman who sites across from me. I think that was on account of the fact that I don’t smile much. Anyway, I like this one because it reminds me of a scene in the Blues Brothers movie. It’s the scene where they go to a Country & Western bar. While there the only country song they know is Rawhide which they play over and over again to avoid being attacked.

Everyday - Buddy Holly
This is a song that I really took to after buying the Stand By Me soundtrack. I like this song because it sounds so pretty and filled with hope. If it were possible I would want to live inside this song.

Music Box Dancer - Frank Mills
I’ve loved this song ever since it came out during the 70’s. It’s so pretty!! It reminds me of all the music boxes my mother owned. All my mom’s music boxes had a ballerina in them that twirled around. This song reminds me of those simpler times.

Joy - Apollo 100 Featuring Tom Parker
I like this one because I feel that it’s a very inspired take on Bach’s Ode to Joy. I think this was featured in a movie called Boogie Nights. I was well aware of the song before the movie came out. So imagine my chagrin when I watched the movie and they’re playing a song I’ve always liked.

Let’s Start The Dance Again II - Hamilton Bohannon
I have fond memories of this song being played at a neighborhood Labor Day block party during the 80’s. Two gay guys got up and danced and really knew there stuff. I had never seen such inspired dancing. It was like Soul Train meets Broadway. People were jumping up and down and cheering them on as they danced.

Sukiyaki - A Taste of Honey
This is amongst one of the rare ballads that I like. I think I like it because it sounds very exotic and foreign.

Sukiyaki - Kyu Sakamoto
This is the original version of the above A Taste of Honey song. I like this one because it’s the direct opposite of the A Taste of Honey Song. The original song is very upbeat in a 50’s kind of way. The only thing is that all the words are in Japanese.

Georgie Girl-The Seekers
I like this song because I like Barbie! If you can recall I collect Barbie dolls and during the late 70’s to early 80’s Mattel used this song as it’s theme for the Barbie commercials.

Native New Yorker - Odyssey
I like this one because during my childhood this song evoked to me a very glamorous place, New York City. To this very day I feel glamorous whenever I hear it.

Tonya Gardner - Heartbeat
This one might be considered the riff that launched a thousand rap songs. I imagine that Tanya Gardiner or whoever wrote this song is probably a billionaire by now.

Sugar, Sugar - The Archies
I like this one because it sounds so bubble gum sweet! I always feel happy when I hear this song.

Chewy, Chewy - 1410 Fruitgum Company
This is another bubble gum song I love! Whenever I hear this song I think of Chewbacca from Star Wars.


It’s supposed to be in the 90’s today. I have on a plaid purple mini skirt and a purple v-neck short sleeve shirt along with beige canvas tennis shoes.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

All the buses that I take to and from work on time.

CONCERN OF THE DAY: New MTA Bus Initiative
Yesterday, a woman who got on the #20 bus that I take home from work was walking up and down the aisle of the bus. She was practically preaching to all the passengers about changes that would be coming up in the fall. The changes she was talking about were how the buses would be running. She said that come October no buses will be running downtown on Baltimore Street. She also said that the light rail shuttle buses would be discontinued. She also told us that we all should get involved in how the buses would. Then she told us of meetings that would be held this month to discuss the proposed changes.

When I first heard her say all these things I thought it was the mere rantings of a crazy lady. However, she did not look unbalanced. In fact she looked like the type of person who one day should run for public office. When I got home I was so swayed by the conviction in her voice that I decided at the very least to peruse the internet to see if there were any proposed changes in store for the MTA. It turns out that almost all of what she was saying was true! The MTA will in fact be discontinuing some bus lines and merging others together.

However, I couldn’t find anything that said that buses would no longer run on downtown Baltimore Street. I suppose she threw that one in for shock value. You know so that any reasonable passenger would be up in arms and make it a point to go to one of the meetings.

The thought of no buses running on downtown Baltimore Street is sheer lunacy and would definitely make me want to go an MTA meeting and tell them that.

Baltimore Street is a very busy street. It contains the University of Maryland Medical Center and it’s corresponding University, the downtown light rail station, and is a throughway to MLK BLVD leading to Ravens Stadium and Oriole Park, and Lexington Market. Shutting down public transportation on Baltimore Street would be a major, major, major, big time disaster.

Even though to the best of my knowledge buses will still run on Baltimore Street I will make it a point to go to one of the meetings and make my voice heard. Or at least listen to people make their voices heard....

I’m continuing on with my skirt theme. Today, I have on a beige skirt along with a dark blue t-shirt that has a white flower design on it. The shoes I have on are beige canvas tennis shoes.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Last night for the first time ever I recharged my iPod. However, upon recharging it I had no idea that since I had deleted my iTunes library to free up space on my hard drive that it would blank out all the music stored on the iPod.

I had no idea that the iTunes library and the iPod are synched together eg if the library is blank so will be the iPod when recharging. It took me several hours to rebuild the library from my cd’s and downloaded music from the iTunes Store.

In the end I barely got any sleep last night. I think I just got an hour’s worth of sleep. Ordinarily I would have been zonked out and fighting to stay awake at work. However, having the iPod made it great. I was listening to my favourite music. I didn’t have to search around the radio dial to find upbeat music to keep me awake and energized. The upbeat stuff was already on my iPod.

Today, I have on a blue skirt and beige striped shirt. You know what? I think I’ll do something novel! Since it’s extra how outside I think I’ll wear all my skirts. Besides skirts are almost like wearing shorts. Also believe it or not I own more skirts and dresses than I do jeans.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I again got on the #20 bus. I wonder what became of the #1 and #2 buses?

Yesterday, the Latino looking guy at Seven-11 actually spoke to me unprompted! He asked me what I was listening to. I suppose he noticed the white earbuds associated with the iPod. At the time I wasn’t listening to anything I had the radio plugged in. He explained that when he was in college he used to DJ parties and thus he was always interested in music. He told me that he liked rap.

I have to say that I’m really enjoying the iPod Shuffle! It’s playing all my favourite songs! I was extremely happy at work so happy that I did not feel compelled to write down the amount of times a co-worker applied lotion to herself.

Since the walls to our cubicules are almost non-existent I’ve noticed habits of co-workers that I wasn’t previously aware of. However, with the iPod on I was too cheery to notice the amount of times a particular co-worker nervously applied lotion to her hands and face. Previous record by the way is seven times in one day. If the cubicle walls were higher I wouldn’t have noticed and felt compelled to count. I wish we had taller cubicle walls. I hate noticing little things that are not related to my job description.

The only downside today was that at the end of the day I ran out of power so now for the first time ever I have to recharge my iPod.

Monday, June 06, 2005

This morning I got on the #20 bus. This is a very rare occurance. I wonder if the #2 and #1 buses are now on a different schedule? It’s spring so I suppose it’s possible that they have switched schedules.

Take Your iPod To Work Day
Today, for the very first time ever I took my iPod to work. As I looked around the floor I notice that I , Yes I!! Am the very first person in the entire company to to have an iPod. Well the very first person on the floor that I work on. I’m not to sure about the higher ups. All I know is that I feel special, hip , and cool with my iPod!!!

The only bit of trouble I had was that one of the songs I downloaded off of my White Stripes cd started to play louder than the rest of the various songs I downloaded. Mellissa, who had just come in came over and told me that my radio was playing too loud. None of the other people who sat by me said anything which made me wonder was I annoying them and they were too afraid to say something to me...... Ahhh, who cares! All I know is that for the first time ever, I’m actually first at getting something. I wonder if any other co-workers will be getting iPods in the future? Who knows maybe by owning one I have made it passe and unhip? I wonder if anyone has even noticed that I have an iPod? Not that by owning one I feel that I will instantly gain friends, a hot boyfriend, a higher pay check, and keys to the executive wash room....

Today, I had on blue slacks, a beige striped shirt, and black canvas tennis shoes.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

This evening I began the Gilbert and Sullivan film festival sponsored by Netflix. A couple of weeks ago I finished up watching all the movies they had available about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The last King Arthur movie I viewed was Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight which had Sean Connery in it. Connery was obviously in the movie to pay the bills. The special effects in the movie were bargain basement level.

The movie was one of those cheesy 80’s things produced by Yorum Globus and Menahem Golan. Globus and Golan were also responsible for those brilliantly violent Death Wish movies that starred Charles Bronson. I wonder what ever happened to those two schlock meisters Globus and Golan? They really knew how to do bargain basement action and adventure.

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