GJ Willis' Art Notes

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Today was a day brimming with Pride. Today is both Baltimore Gay Pride Day as well as the first ever Autism Pride Day.

One thing I am surprised about Baltimore Gay Pride Day is that they will be doing something in of all places, Druid Hill Park. Druid Hill Park is right in the middle of the hood. Somehow I have never associated Druid Hill Park as being the epicenter of Gay Pride.

I only recently found out about Autism Pride Day. Obviously, by it’s name it was started by adults with autism who like me are not ashamed of their disorder or feel that we have to be “fixed”. I have no idea what I will do today to celebrate the new found Autism Pride Day.

Friday, June 17, 2005

p>Yesterday, I downloaded music from iTunes. I have Beck’s new kick ass song, E-Pro.

So far the only place I’ve heard it played on is on WTMD. This is really odd because they mostly play cutting edge folksy soccer mom music not something as guitar laden as Beck’s latest. I don’t know if WHFS has put the song into rotation or not. The one thing I have noticed is that WTMD has put The Killers into rotation. The Killers as I wrote sometime in December/January were first heard on WHFS. I wonder if HFS will ever play music first heard on WTMD>


I think I’ll just buy the old guy a card this year. My old man is in his 70’s, an age where every second counts.

My father constantly likes to say things such as, “I’m not sure how long I’ll last.” He’s been saying this ever since he was in his 50’s. He says these things as if he were like an old tire ready to give at any minute.

Presents for him are difficult to pick out. In the past we would all chip in and buy him a case a beer. A card I think would be more appropriate.

Today, I have on a plaid denim skirt along with a light blue blouse.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Yesterday, was horrible. I forgot to put on deodorant. I guess I was feeling a little too subconscious wearing the skirt my father hated. I was focusing more on the skirt than the rest of me. By late afternoon I was reaking. I felt horrible there was nothing I could do about it.

Earlier, in the morning I thought I’d go to the store that’s down the street from my job. I was saddened to find that they didn’t sell any deodorant just convenience foods. Well, you can’t be perfect all the time. Everyone has an off day and yesterday was mine...

Today, I have on a cream coloured short sleeve shirt and a print broomstick skirt. The skirt contains colours like cream, dark blue, brown, ruby red, and beige.

Since, I wasn’t too focused on what would my father think, I remembered to put on deodorant. Also I even decided to carry a spare in my bag just in case something goes wrong. So far everything’s OK. Will carrying around extra deodorant be akin to my extra umbrella fancy? I suppose only time will tell....

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I know the odds are widely against it but I’m still working on the sundress. All I have to do now is figure out what are darts and why do they have to be pressed down? The dress pattern itself does not give the slightest hint as to how to assemble a dart. Oh well, I suppose I could Google the answer somewhere....

The only type of clothing I’ve previously made were skirts. Hence, the amazing surplus of unworn skirts I have. My main goal right now is to have it finished before the end of summer.

Today, I saw a man standing on the bus stop wearing a pink polo. I know, I know! It was just one man. But, hey, you see one man in pink then before you know it they’ll be a whole mob of them standing around.... :)

Today, I’m wearing the only article of clothing that my father has ever gone on record in my entire life as saying he did not like. That article of clothing is a blue print mini skirt. I’m wearing it along with a white short sleeved blouse. So far I have not been struck down by lightening for wearing the dreaded blue print mini skirt. The only odd thing that’s happened is that a couple of men I don’t know have said, good morning to me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

This morning the B Shuttle bus broke down several times on the highway. This has got to be amongst the most harrowing experiences I’ve ever had on public transportation. You do not know how scary it is for a bus to suddenly stop in the middle of morning rush hour on a busy higway. I thought we were all going to die. Luckily, we made it safely off the highway and onto work. I hope this doesn’t happen again.

CONCERN OF THE DAY: Can I still sew?

Yesterday, in the summer heat I worked on a dress pattern that I bought a couple of years ago. I worked on it because I thought it would be nice to have another sun dress other than the one I bought a couple a couple of years.

This will be my first attempt in years to make a piece of clothing. My last attempt many years ago was an A-line skirt. The skirt with my mother’s help turned out pretty good. I wonder if I’m capable of making something a little more complicated without her expert guiding hand?

I don’t know if I’ve said this before but my mother was a seamstress of sorts. When I was a kid she used to make all my clothes as well as her own. She even did Prom dresses from time to time.

So here’s hoping that I don’t ruin the fabric I bought for the sundress.

Today, I have on a brown short sleeved Henley and a black skirt.

Monday, June 13, 2005

I thought I’d write this real life report because this is a watershed moment for me. In one day I’ve seen the largest number of men dawning pink clothes ever in the history of this blog. Ladies and Gentlemen of the internet I saw two males in one day, in the state of Maryland, wearing pink!

The first one I saw was on the shuttle bus I take heading into work. Then when I got to work I saw another man wearing a pink polo, then again it might have been peach. Anyway, I ’m not too surprised seeing him wearing a pink looking shirt. He always looks very fashionably well dressed and coifed.

Today, I have on a short sleeve floral blouse along with a purple skirt.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Nothing much to report...... Today, I basically just laid around all day under the fan trying to escape the brutal heat.

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