GJ Willis' Art Notes

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The highlight of my day has been finally watching the director’s commentary to King Arthur. I guess it was more of a lowlight than a highlight.

Antoine Fuqua the director of the movie has a monotone voice. He sounded bored. As a result I was fighting sleep as I watched the movie while he commented on it.

The movie which I watched yesterday was far more exciting to watch without his commentary. The movie itself has plenty of action and violence. If you’re into that kind of thing...

The King Arthur film commentary now goes down as my second least favorite film commentary of all time. The other in case you’re keeping score is the commentary on Real Women Have Curves. I found the voice of America Ferrera the lead actress in the movie, to be like nails on a chalkboard. She was great in the movie. But on the commentary I found her to be extremely annoying. Real Women Have Curves has been the only film commentary that I have ever had to turn off because I felt that if I had listened to it any longer I would developed a migraine headache.

Today, I have on a long sleeve black shirt and purple pants along with purple fuzzy slippers.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Today the bus, light rail, and light rail shuttle bus were all on time today. I wonder how long this will keep up?

Also today, I took the B Express Shuttle Bus home from work. This is the first time that I've done this. I recently found out that it starts out on Warren Road which I can easily walk to from work. I do admit that it's a bit of a trek but it's well worth it.

After Warren Road the only other stop it makes is at the Timonium fairgrounds. Then after that it hits the highway and makes it's final stop at State Center. So far, I really like this particular Shuttle Bus because it's fast and it's not vey crowded. The bus driver like all the other Shuttle Bus drivers appears to be a senior citizen.

Today, I have on a dark tweeded sweater. Under the sweater I have on a turquoise long sleeve shirt. I'm also wearing blue jeans and brown lace up shoes.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

As usual every mode of transportation I take to and from work was on time. I’m starting to feel like I’m living in the twilight zone. of character of the Baltimore MTA.


I’m feeling kind of guilty today because I cheated on my Avon man. You see at work for some strange inexplicable reason men sell Avon products not women.

Keith, my regular Avon man works in the computer department. The celebrity Keith most resembles is Jimmy Olsen that is if he had a beard but not as he’s depicted in the comics books.

You see the problem is that I haven’t seen him around the office in days. Orders for last months book were due in on Tuesday. I really wanted to get the cute bear and the bunny rabbit (I like bunnies! Just not life sized ones...) that I saw in the book. Basically, I didn’t know if Keith’s been out sick or captured by aliens. All I knew was that I wanted those stuffed animals. So in desperation, I went over to Kenny, the other Avon man and gave him my order slip. The celebrity Kenny resembles is kind of difficult to come up with. Let’s just say he looks like a combination of the Pillsbury Doughboy meets the Snuggles Fabric Softener Bear.

Kenny has only recently taken up the mantle of being an Avon man. Kenny is also more accessible to me because he works in the warehouse. I’ve been over there millions of times. In fact our department was once housed in that part of the building.

Keith on the other hand works in a mysterious part of the building that I’ve never been in. In fact I don’t even know where the computer department is located. To me it’s like Area 51. I don’t know if they allow visitors there.

The guilt is killing me! Will I now have to order from both of them so as not to appear favoring one over the other? Oy Vey! Oh, well at least I got in my order for the cute teddy bear wearing the hat and the lavender sweater and the stuffed bunny that comes with a duck....

Today, I have on an ivory colored sweater. Under the sweater I have on an ivory colored long sleeve pull over along with stone washed denim jeans and brown leather shoes.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

mr_shoes, originally uploaded by willisgirl.

The bus and light rail were all on time this morning. This is starting to feel eerie. I want to complain about something! Oh, I just though of something...

Can someone please explain to me why ever since the light rail has closed down at the North Avenue stop and beyond that the trains sometimes have the very acrid smell of vinegar? Is vinegar now being used as a cleaning solution by the MTA or is something more nefarious going on? Inquiring minds want to know...

Today, I have on a fair isle knit sweater. The primary back ground colour of the sweater is ecru. The detailing on the sweater is black, brown, and nutmeg. I’m starting to notice that I own and wear an awful lot of sweaters. I suppose this may be because I liked to watch the Mister Rogers Show as a kid. He also seemed to wear an awful lot of sweaters. Come to think of it he also seemed to wear a lot of canvas tennis shoes as well. I like to wear those type of shoes during the summer. Only I like to call them Muppet Shoes.

So there you have it Mr. Rogers has been one of my major life time fashion influences. Sorry to say, I’ve never met the man, the myth, the legend, Fred Rogers and never will. Sadly, fashion don Mister Rogers passed away a couple of years ago.

Anyway, back to my regularly scheduled clothing run down....along with the sweater, I have on stone washed jeans and brown lace up shoes.

Monday, February 28, 2005

This morning everything was on time. I’m starting to feel antsy now that all modes of MTA transportation appear to be running perfectly. I don’t know, maybe everything will start to fall apart around Easter. I’m sure some of the regular drivers may be taking Easter Monday off....

The tv weathermen are still talking about the snow storm of the century that’s predicted for our area later today. So far as I write this not a lick of snow has fallen. I don’t understand why the weathermen like to whip people into a frenzy about snow? I suppose this has something to do with February Sweeps. I guess this will all be over with when the tv ratings book ends on March 2.

I have on a striped red, white, and blue sweater. It has flecks of shiny metallic silver in it. Underneath it I have on a long sleeve denim shirt along with stone washed jean and brown leather lace up shoes.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

I watched the Academy Awards. I’m still miffed that Martystill has no best director award. What does the Academy have against him?

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