GJ Willis' Art Notes

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I did something possibly brilliant or stupid this weekend. I listed more of my
artwork on eBay

Yesterday, I found this really great website that publishes your book on demand. It appears to be free. I think I might upload a few mysteries I've written but never had the courage to send off to publishers. The link to this site is lulu It was started by the guy who was responsible for redhat/linux so it must be legit.

I'm sad to report that the Ioan Gruffudd film festival is now almost at it's end. I received my last Ioan film this weekend. It's the latest Hornblower epic that aired in December 2003. It took almost forever for it to become available. I suppose Hornblower must be very popular with the folks on netflix.com.

I'm happy to report that Ioan has a new tv series coming out on CBS next month called Century City. The premise of the show looks hokey. It's about a law firm in the future. I'll probably be the only one watching.

On the art front I'm getting my slides together to submit to School 33 for a possible gallery showing next year. Also I'll be attending the Society of Children's Books Writer's and Illustrators, illustrators conference in April. This will mark the first time I've ever traveled to New York alone. Then again maybe I can talk one of my neices into coming along with me....

Friday, February 6, 2004

I was three hours late for work this morning. There was a constant down pour of rain that resulted with ice on the ground. It was my worst nightmare come to life, icy sidewalks.

Despite, the horrible morning start the greatest tragedy today was that I missed Trent Dawson in Center Stage’s production of The Miser. I absolutely adore Trent on As the World Turns where he plays Henry Coleman, the lovable con man. This show makes his second appearance at Center Stage this year. I had previously seen him earlier in the season in Misalliance.

I really wanted to make it out to the show tonight but I feared I would catch a cold. My feet were still wet when I got home from work and it’s still raining outside. My sidewalk is still icy. I fear catching another cold. Who knows maybe Trent will grace the stage with his presence later in the season?

Friday, January, 30, 2004

Today since I have a three day weekend I thought I’d do the near impossible, enter all my comic books in a spreadsheet so that I can track their values. This will be the scariest task I have ever undertaken bar none. I’ve collected comic books since I was a kid. The two oldest comic books I have are Star Wars issue 5 and a Six Million Dollar Man from the 70’s. I have god knows how many comics stored away in boxes in the upper shelves of my closet. So this weekend I will attempt to gather and list them all then go back to all my Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide and find and list there values through the years.

The two most valuable books I have are issue 1 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I got it because I liked the quirky title. The other comic I have that is valuable is issue 2 of the X-Files. The series I’ve always collected have been Batman, and the X-Men. I’m not a died in the wool fan of the X-Men but I do admit that when I was a kid I wanted to be Storm. That’s right, I wanted to dye my hair white and everything. The only shocking thing I have to confess about the X-Men is that I’ve never seen the X-Men movies and as an adult I buy them purely for financial reasons. I mean those babies literally make money overnight.

The only comic book I actually read from time to time is Batman because, well, he’s the Dark Knight, and he’s cool. Throughout the years I have accumulated a steady collection of the Punisher, and She-Hulk comics. I have the Punisher because when I first read it I was shocked. I mean this guy did not play. It was the most ultra-violent comic book I have ever read. I have a lot of She-Hulk’s because I liked her when she was a member of The Avengers.

I stopped collecting comic books on a regular basis when I met Michael. He had a better and more extensive collection of comics. Name an issue any issue odds are he has it. I kept thinking of ways to run off with his comic book collection or steal them slowly one by one. I don’t think I will ever get involved with another fellow comic book collector.

Through him I saw the dark side of comic book collecting and knew I did not want to go back there to a world of obsessive compulsive collecting. It was a relationship filled with mistrust and anxiety. I had books he wanted (autographed) and he had books I wanted. “You don’t want me you want my comic book collection don’t you! I’ve seen the way you were eying my Archie meets the Punisher comics! Back I say back!! That’s right I have a Spawn issue 1 autographed by Todd McFarland top that baby!”

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Today, there was a miserable snow/rain mix outside. Thus, I was late for work. Only about 6 people from my department showed up. I don’t know why but I just felt angry as they showed up one by one. I was hoping that by coming in today I would get a free vacation or personal day. They do that from time to time if x-amount of people don’t show up for work. I was angry when Jai showed up then Brian showed then Keisha had the audacity to show up grrrrr!!

I thought I’d have a peaceful laid back day hanging with the snow crew Lisa, Deborah, Arnold, and the old Dave-ster. But no!! Keisha and Brian had to show up ruining my day. Ughhh! Those meddling conscientious co-workers ruining my possible free personal or vacation day!!! I’m sorry I had a Scooby-Doo moment right there. You know the part in the show where the villain is foiled and always without fail rails about, “Those meddling kids!” Well that’s how I felt folks, “Those blasted faithful co-workers!”

Here’s the part everyone is dying to know the celebrities these co-workers most resemble, Lisa looks like, a young Melissa Gilbert. I’ve already said in a previous post that Deborah looks like Marla Gibbs. Dave, who is Brian’s supervisor looks kind of like the guy who plays Agent Smith in the Matrix movies who looks like Elrond, the Elf King in the Lord of the Rings movies. Yes, I know that both roles are played by the same guy, Hugo Weaving, and Dave looks kind of like him. Every time I see Dave I think to myself there goes the Elf King. What does the Elf King want? Oh my god the Elf King is laughing! Who amongst you has upset the Elf King?

As I’ve said in a previous post Brian, my supervisor, looks like Mr. Clean. I’ve already said that Jai the most cheerful woman on the planet looks like Rosalind Chao. The celebrity Keisha most resembles is recording artist Tweet with much shorter hair.

Today was notable because I heard Arnold laugh out loud. I can’t recall ever hearing Arnold laugh before. I’ve seen him smile but never heard him actually laugh out loud. It was very infectious. I wonder what makes him laugh? The celebrity Arnold most resembles is character actor, Larry Drake. Drake is the guy who used to play Benny, the retarded,....uh mentally impaired, assistant on LA Law. He also played Darkman and Dr. Giggles. Sometimes I think maybe Arnold has Asperger’s Syndrome like I do but then again what do I know? I guess I’ll never know for sure because you can’t go up to someone and ask, “Hey, do you have Asperger’s Syndrome, or are you just one step closer to going postal, because I asked you this stupid inane question?”

Anyway, I have to make up about 50 minutes of work this week. My train was an hour late. My feet are cold and I’m going to bed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2004

There was a snowstorm outside this morning. I took the day off of work. I got a lot of work done on some mail art I’m working on. I hope to be able to send it out on Friday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Today my work schedule is permanently switched to the one I’ve always wanted. The reason it was switched was because Brian was annoyed that I was the only one working two different schedules. The majority, heck, all of the people who were doing that schedule dropped out, except me. So now I work Monday and Friday until 1:15 in the afternoon. The rest of the week I work until 4:30 in the evening. I love this schedule! Now I don’t have to leave out early for doctor’s appointments. I can just make them on either Mondays or Fridays. Oh, Joy! Oh, Rapture!

I’ve been watching The Forsyte Saga, series 1 on dvd as I continue on with my Ioan Gruffudd film festival. I’m sad to report that Ioan’s character Mr. Bosinney died in part 3 of the saga. I can’t believe it! He’s the only reason I rented this show from netflix, and now his character is dead. Oh, well I guess I’ll see if the saga with out Ioan lighting up the screen is any good.

The Forsyte Saga so far kind of reminds me of the soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful. There’s this character in it named Irene who has practically slept with nearly every male member of the Forsythe family just like Brooke Logan on B&B has never met a male Forrester she didn't want. Watching this gives me the feeling that the Bell family who produce B&B as well as The Young and the Restless must have cribbed there storylines from John Galsworthy’s book.

I now have 4 friends on tribe.net!

Monday, January 19, 2004

I tried to join friendster.com. I mainly tried to do this because I was on cold medicine and thought it would be fun. It’s amazing the things I’ll try to do while zonked out on cold medicine. I’m sure that everyone in the entire universe knows that in order to really join friendster you have to have friends who are willing to join along with you. It’s kind of like Amway or multi-level marketing 21st century style. Needless to say I invited everyone in my e-mail address book to join. No one replied. So I’m friendless on friendster.

I also joined tribe.com I found it much faster and you didn't have to have friends to join. You can make friends as you go along and join individual tribes. Overall, I like tribe.com much better. It doesn't feel as cliquish and it moves much faster. So far I’ve already made a friend. His/Her name is Winter. Also I found that fellow Baltimore blogger, wonderboy was listed. If he’s there I know it must be a cool place.

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